Annabel's Story

Real Stories

Annabel's Story

When did you get diagnosed with coeliac disease?

November 2020 - when I was 13.

How did you feel about the diagnosis?

I was quite shocked, but I just accepted it as something I had to adapt and live with.

What was your relationship with food like before you were diagnosed with coeliac disease?

I was quite a picky eater before - but I ate a lot of toast!

Have you ever felt like you have missed out because of coeliac disease?

I feel like I can still have a good time, and food shouldn't really matter. Sometimes at parties, it's a bit awkward, but my friends are good, and they cater for me and make sure I don't feel left out.

Did you notice a difference in mood and health after sticking to your gluten-free diet?

Yeah, I definitely feel a lot better. I don't get headaches and stomach aches anymore.

What does eating "well" mean to you?

I think I definitely feel better when I eat healthy food. I love the social aspect. I like cooking for dinner parties with my friends.

What's your favourite Juvela product and what do you make with it?

I like the White Mix - my mum likes to surprise me with the smell of fresh bread when I wake up.

What advice would you give to your younger self or to a newly diagnosed coeliac about what you now know about coeliac disease and gluten-free foods?

Don't lose faith - there are some really yummy gluten free stuff out there. A lot more people have coeliac disease than you'd expect: I've found out that tons of people I know have it, and I didn't realise.

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