Shopping gluten free on a budget
Shopping gluten free on a budget
Gluten free foods can be pricier than their gluten-containing counterparts in the supermarkets, so that’s why it’s particularly important to prioritise, budget and, if you are fortunate to live in an area where gluten free foods are still offered on prescription, make the most of your prescription!
In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, all areas prescribe gluten free foods if you have a coeliac diagnosis. In England, prescription depends on your local CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group).
Find out more about your local CCG prescribing policy.
In Republic of Ireland, gluten free foods are not available on prescription. Locate your nearest Juvela stockist
If you are not entitled to prescriptions, it is still possible to manage your food shopping on a tight budget.
Locate your nearest Juvela stockist
And remember, although the ‘Free From’ aisles can be great, you don’t have to buy everything from these aisles. There are so many foods in the regular aisles that will be gluten free, and allergen labelling now makes this clearer and easier to see at a glance whether something is gluten-free. The most common way for an allergen to be highlighted within the ingredients list is in bold.
It’s a good idea to always read all of the information on the packaging – there may be an ‘allergy advice‘ description too. Some products will also clearly state that they are gluten free, and may also include a gluten free symbol, which is very useful.
If you are ever unsure if something is gluten free, the best thing to do is contact the product manufacturer or refer to Coeliac UK’s Food and Drink Guide. And if in doubt, leave it out!
Gluten free budget bargains
Most supermarkets will have a ‘reduced’ or ‘bargain’ section, and will often mark down items that are coming up to their ‘best before’ or ‘use by’ date – leaving you with a great opportunity to bag yourself some bargains. Obviously, the items will vary widely and not everything may be suitable, but there will be lots of naturally gluten free bits and bobs if you time it right!
It’s also very helpful when budgeting to make a list before you go shopping along with a price limit of what you can afford to spend. Buying in bulk can help too – as long as you have enough storage space.
And again, if you are able to obtain basic staples such as gluten-free bread and flour mixes on prescription, this will help to keep your food costs down. A gluten free prescription can play an important role in supporting your healthy management of coeliac disease.
Further advice on gluten free shopping
Coeliac UK are a fantastic resource for ensuring you’re in the know about gluten free foods. They have a really handy app which you can use to search and scan suitable foods – find out more about it here.