Blog Posts
Stir up Sunday & Christmas Pudding
Liz Rimmer, a gluten free blogger with coeliac disease, explains the tradition of Stir Up Sunday and shares her gluten free version of her mum's Chistmas Pudding recipe with us!
10.11.2022 | by Liz Rimmer

What Is Stir Up Sunday?
I only discovered the tradition of Stir up Sunday last year – and I love it!
Stir Up Sunday is a traditional event that falls on the last Sunday before the advent. The date changes every year.
The general idea is, you weigh up all the ingredients you need for your Christmas pudding and once everything is in a big bowl, you then pass the bowl around and each member of the family makes a wish whilst giving the mixture a stir! What a perfect excuse to arrange a little get together or spend time with your family – making this lovely calendar event a real occasion!
I hold my hands up, I’ve been a little bit sneaky, as my stir up Sunday was last week rather than this one (20th November) as I needed to check things out and make sure that the recipe I wanted to share with you was worthy of you popping your ‘pinny’ on and getting in the kitchen to stir things up!! And although we didn't do it on the correct day, me and my partner Neil still made our wishes as we gave the mixture a little stir!
Gluten Free Christmas Pudding Recipe
Last year, I shared with you my grandma’s Christmas Pudding recipe, so this time I decided to have little go at my mum’s version. I have just switched to gluten free breadcrumbs and a gluten free flour substitute and halved mum’s original recipe as she used to make two puddings - one for Christmas Day and the other for New Year’s Day. We always used to have another little mini Christmas, including a full Christmas Dinner on New Year’s Day too!
Quick update
I have just enjoyed a little taster of my Christmas Pudding today with some homemade brandy sauce – it was yummy!!
If Christmas Pudding is your thing, I would love you to have a go at popping together this gluten free version that I have shared with you. Magical wishes!
Liz x