Coeliac awareness when eating out
I’m sure you have gathered by now, I adore my food! But like any coeliac, when eating...
We have had some cracking weather in the UK over the last month - I love it! Fingers crossed it continues. If you have a barbecue I’m sure it will have been working its socks off lately!
13.06.2018 | by Liz Rimmer
Burgers of course are one of the most common things that get popped on the ‘barbie’. And although you can pick up readymade burgers that are naturally gluten free (there are also a few in the freezer section Free From range), making your own is so quick and easy, and you can add all sorts of different ingredients to change the flavour and texture to suit all tastes!
As with most of my blog posts they start out with something simple I must share with you. Within no time I have gone 'off on one' as I remember things that may help a little bit more. This tasty but simple gluten free burger recipe was no exception. While popping them together for my lunch, the list of things I had to share with you grew and grew! Here goes…
As you know with both methods of cooking the key is to ensure the burgers are thoroughly cooked, nice and hot and not pink in the middle!
(Providing the meat is nice and fresh the burgers can be made in advance and popped in the fridge for 24hrs.)
So that’s the basic recipe, the rest is down to you pop in whatever gluten free delights you may fancy. Maybe jazz up your burger with fresh herbs, chilli, sun dried tomato, garlic etc. Or swap the minced beef for lamb and add some freshly chopped mint which is in season this month.
Juvela gluten free fresh white or long-life rolls are perfect to pop your burger in. You can also try making your own gluten free rolls using our White Flour mix! I had my burger with fried onions, Heinz *tomato sauce and *Dijon mustard - a handful of cherry tomatoes and crunchy homemade coleslaw on the side completed my lunch!
Product: Juvela White Gluten Free Bread Rolls
Product: Juvela Fibre Gluten Free Bread Rolls
If you are heading off to a barbecue, maybe take a batch of the burgers with you. Of course, to stay safe and prevent cross contamination, you will need to make sure that no gluten containing foods are cooked on the same barbecue – you could always pack your very own disposable one to be on the safe side – also pop a couple of wrapped gluten free rolls (ready cut might be handy) in your bag too, ensuring you won’t go hungry and all will be good!
I’m hoping this sunshine will last and as I finish up its still here -Yay! But whatever the weather, hope you have fun and get to tuck into plenty of magnificent gluten free food!!
Chat soon…..
Liz x
*As ingredients can change please just double check no gluten containing ingredient or “may contain” warnings on packets. If in doubt leave it out.