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Coeliac Awareness Week 2018

14th-20th May 2018 marks Coeliac Awareness Week.

15.05.2018 | by Juvela

Juvela will be supporting this important week and will be using our social media channels to help raise awareness of coeliac disease, the symptoms and the importance of getting tested. So please get involved and ‘like’ and ‘share’ our content to help us spread the word!

We will also be supporting Coeliac UK in spreading their message about the serious health problems that can occur in undiagnosed coeliac disease.

Coeliac UK, the largest independent charity for people who need to live gluten free, says that delayed diagnosis of coeliac disease is creating a growing health problem across the UK with undiagnosed patients at risk of suffering with complications of the disease including irreversible neurological damage.

Their focus this year is urging health professionals and the general public to take coeliac disease seriously and as part of the charity’s Awareness Week activities, will be highlighting the symptoms and emerging evidence relating to previously unknown complications of the autoimmune disease.

What are the symptoms?

People often report typical gut symptoms, but other parts of the body can also be affected.

The most commonly reported symptoms are: 

  • frequent bouts of diarrhoea or loose stools
  • nausea, feeling sick and vomiting
  • stomach pain and cramping
  • lots of gas and bloating
  • feeling tired all the time, ongoing fatigue
  • anaemia (you would be told if you’re anaemic following a blood test)
  • weight loss (although not in all cases)
  • regular mouth ulcers
  • constipation or hard stools
  • skin rash (dermatitis herpetiformis, the skin manifestation of coeliac disease)

Not all of these symptoms would necessarily be present, some people only have one or two. If you think you (or someone you know) may have coeliac disease, have a look at Coeliac UKs information – Is it Coeliac Disease

Juvela have been working closely with Coeliac UK for over 25 years to support the coeliac community. We would like to congratulate Coeliac UK on their 50thAnniversary year.

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