Sorena was diagnosed aged 14
Real Stories
Conleth's story
Conleth was diagnosed a couple years after he was born.
When were you diagnosed with coeliac disease?
Couple years after I was born.
If you take a prescription, how did you find setting it up. Straight forward?
The process for me was difficult and testing. When I wanted to set it up as an adult in England I was told that I couldn't because it was no longer available. When I moved to Scotland I complained about it to the GP’s on passing until 4 years after and I found out I could get it on prescription. I was told that I needed to go to a nutritionist to set it up, I had only seen one recently due to something else. I eventually found out that the GP can do it and send the information to the pharmacy.
How did you find adjusting to a gluten free diet?
My parents struggled and kept me on a separate diet from the rest of the house. These days in my mid 30s I find it tempting but not overwhelmingly so. In my late teens and 20s I was more tempted than anything to eat things I shouldn't. It's difficult to know these days as I've recently been tested and gluten appeared from seemingly out of nowhere. Probably cross contamination or something containing. For those doing a gluten free diet as a child or as an adult. It's not easy but it's actually a fairly healthy diet. You know or about what you're eating and you know what is best.
What is your favourite Juvela product?
Hmm. Fusilli, Fibre Rolls or Cereal I think. You can't go wrong with the Cereal as its fortified as is the bread which tastes and acts similar to the real thing. I like the mixes.
Do you think it's important to have a coeliac disease diagnosis?
I think it's important to get diagnosed since it’s so expensive and a struggle financially without it. I don't think it's something you can take seriously enough unless you're diagnosed. Additionally the other health impacts aren't taken into consideration without a diagnosis. So if you're ill or suffering then you need a diagnosis to have a chance of improving. If you're undiagnosed the burden of proof is on you, you have to find out what your deficiencies and issues are. You have to spend all the money. You have to deal with all the inconvenience and advocate for yourself with less conviction.
Gluten Free Food on Prescription
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coeliac disease?
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Recently diagnosed with
coeliac disease?
We offer a complimentary starter pack* to allow you to try a selection of gluten free foods before setting up a prescription. Apply here or get in touch
Order free starter pack*Starter packs are for those medically diagnosed with coeliac disease and in prescribing areas