Gluten free food on prescription in England
I live in England
In England, gluten free prescriptions vary depending on where you live as local ICB (Integrated Care Board) policies differ.
A selection of gluten free loaves and rolls, and flour mixes are approved for prescribing. These are gluten free alternatives to everyday staple foods which are essential to a healthy balanced diet.
In 2018, a consultation by the Department of Health resulted in the decision to only retain access to gluten free breads and flour mixes on prescription in England and to remove access to other foods like gluten free pasta and breakfast cereals.
In addition to this some Integrated Care Boards (ICB) have withdrawn access to gluten free foods on prescription.

All-purpose flour substitutes and part baked in white and fibre – for all your baking needs
Available in white and fibre and part baked
A monthly allowance of gluten free foods has been suggested by Coeliac UK and healthcare professionals. This is measured in units and differs on age, gender and where you live.
AGE GROUP | Number of units |
Child under 10 years | 8 |
Child 11 - 18 years | 12 |
Female 19 years and older | 8 |
Male 19 years and old | 12 |
Ref: Gluten-Free foods – a revised guide 2019
You can make up your monthly allowance with different foods of your choice.
1 unit
1 (400g) loaf of bread /
1 (5x85g) pack of rolls
2 units
1 (500g) pack of
all-purpose mix
Make an appointment with your GP
Your GP or dietitian will explain how many units of food you are entitled to each month.
Top tips:
Juvela offers newly diagnosed coeliacs a free starter pack; this allows you the opportunity to try a selection of gluten free foods from the range before deciding which ones you would like on prescription. Please give us a call or apply online for a pack.
It may help to estimate how much gluten free food you would use in a typical month, eg how many slices of bread or bowls of porridge. Remember to include the flour you might use in cooking and baking.
Choose your foods
Once you have tried the products in your starter pack and decided which you would like to receive on prescription, use our handy request form (included in the pack) to help your GP set up your prescription.
Top tip:
Calculate the number of units and check this is in line with your monthly allowance.
Next Steps
Take your prescription to any pharmacy who will order the gluten free foods for you; they will let you know when your order is ready for collection (usually within 48 hours).
Most prescriptions are repeated monthly without needing to see your GP; check with your pharmacy that this is the case.
Top tip:
Fresh bread has set ordering and delivery days, which your pharmacy should be familiar with. For further information, have a look at the fresh bread section on our website.
Making changes to your prescription
This will vary depending on your surgery, but can usually be done with a quick call to your GP surgery to make any changes or to add a new product to your prescription.

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Fill a box with our award-winning gluten free foods and we’ll deliver it to your door.
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