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Rustic White Loaf

A delicious crusty loaf with a soft, close textured crumb. Perfect served thickly cut and spread with pate or jam. Great dunked into soup or to mop up juices from a tasty stew.

  • Cook: 25 mins
    Prep: 40 mins
  • Easy
  • Suitable for home freezing
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Rustic White Loaf

A delicious crusty loaf with a soft, close textured crumb. Perfect served thickly cut and spread with pate or jam. Great dunked into soup or to mop up juices from a tasty stew.

  • Cook: 25 mins
    Prep: 40 mins
  • Easy
  • Suitable for home freezing


500g packet Juvela Gluten-Free White Mix
10g dried yeast
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
2 tbsp vegetable oil
250-300ml (10-12 fl oz) warm water


  1. In a large bowl, combine the Mix, yeast, salt, and sugar. Stir in the oil and sufficient water to form a soft but not sticky dough.
  2. Knead the dough until smooth on a surface lightly dusted with Gluten-Free Mix.
  3. Shape the dough into an oval and using a sharp knife, make shallow incisions on top, then brush with a little oil.
  4. Leave to prove in a warm place for approx. 30 minutes, and then bake in a preheated oven (220ºC/425ºF/Gas Mark 7) for 20-25 minutes until golden brown.
  5. Alternatively, you can divide the dough into 8-10 pieces, and shape into rounds to make individual rustic rolls. Bake for approx. 15minutes.
  6. You can also make this into a seeded loaf by adding 150g (6oz) assorted seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, poppy, sesame, hemp, linseed) to the dry mixture (step 1), and using Juvela Gluten-Free Fibre Mix in place of White Mix.

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