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Why is Coeliac Awareness Week so important?

09.05.2022 | by Juvela

Coeliac Awareness week 9-15 May 2022

Coeliac UK Awareness Week stars

Coeliac Awareness Week 

Starts today!

Coeliac disease. Relatively unknown, misunderstood and often underestimated. So much so in fact that according to Coeliac UK only 36% of us with coeliac disease have been diagnosed, leaving nearly half a million people right now, as you read this blog, who are living with coeliac disease who are not aware or haven’t been officially diagnosed.

Relatively Unknown: *1 in ten of us have coeliac disease but as we mentioned above only 36% of us are diagnosed leaving a lot of people with unexplained symptoms and no diagnosis. It can take up to ten years from symptoms appearing to diagnosis.

Misunderstood: *1 in 4 of us who have been diagnosed with coeliac disease have previously been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). 

Underestimated: A breadcrumb wouldn’t hurt. A sentence that makes coeliacs want to run for the hills. Cross contamination is a big no no for coeliacs.

Coeliac Awareness Week Logo

Raising awareness

This year’s Coeliac UK’s Coeliac Awareness Week campaign is Shine a Light on Coeliac which will be focusing on shining a light on coeliac disease so that they can raise awareness of coeliac disease. If you would like to get involved with this year’s campaign there are lots of ways you can do so.

We know what you’re thinking...

If you had a gluten free biscuit for every time we said coeliac in this blog, you’d be very full! Yes, you would.

We really fancy a gluten free biscuit now… and a cup of tea, that would be lovely. Come back tomorrow when we’ll be eating biscuits (theses ones in case you’re interested), drinking tea and talking everything Coeliac Awareness Week.

Enjoy your week and don’t forget if you’re posting on your social about all things gluten free such as recipes, tips, myths you may have heard or any questions you may have use the hashtag #Shinealightoncoeliac

Coeliac UK Awareness Week stars

*Coeliac UK Statistics

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