Back to School - A Mum's Experience
Vicky shares her experience of catering for her twin coeliac boys…..
As the new school year is fast approaching, the inevitable scramble to get everything ready is in full flow! New uniform, new shoes, new pencil cases….and on it goes.
04.09.2019 | by Juvela
However, for those who have children who need to follow a special diet, the panic may be greater.
We understand that for many, the thought of sending your coeliac child off to school is really daunting so we've put together a few hints and tips to make the transitions as smooth as possible.
Talk to the school
Ensure that teachers and school catering staff know and understand about your child’s special diet. Ask if you can have a chat with the catering staff– they may already be familiar with the diet and may be catering for other children in school. Ensure they understand the importance of avoiding cross contamination, and perhaps take some information along with you that you can leave with them.
The school can arrange special gluten-free lunches, or you may prefer to send a gluten-free packed lunch.
Useful resources to give to your child’s school
Coeliac UK have produced ‘Coeliac disease in school’ packs which provides information to allow your child’s condition to be managed effectively in school. The pack will vary on where you live in the UK and includes information for you as a parent or carer and for you to give the school.
They also have technical guidance for school caterers, produced in collaboration with the Food Standards Agency.